Last month I received my flash wireless system. This gives me the capability to have my flash off my camera. I’ve tested the system and everything seems to work. I just need to get out and practice. Finding time to do everything I need to do and want to do seems to be hard to find right now.
I’ve been working on my web site recently. I made the decision to make the site from scratch. I was going to use a template that I purchased but the designer didn’t do a good job labeling files so it was very difficult to edit. I also wanted to keep my web site simple like my logo and the template was Flash with a lot of moving objects and sounds. I think my site is coming along great. I haven’t really designed a web site for years so my HTML coding is really rusty. Also I had to learn Adobe Flash for my navigation bar which I’m not experience in at all. But my ability to learn things quickly has paid off again!