May 5, 2008

Web Site Looking Good

I haven’t posted in awhile so let me catch you up on some things. As of now I have two weddings scheduled this year and maybe an opportunity to do another. I am really excited and anxious about shooting these great events.

Last month I received my flash wireless system. This gives me the capability to have my flash off my camera. I’ve tested the system and everything seems to work. I just need to get out and practice. Finding time to do everything I need to do and want to do seems to be hard to find right now.

I’ve been working on my web site recently. I made the decision to make the site from scratch. I was going to use a template that I purchased but the designer didn’t do a good job labeling files so it was very difficult to edit. I also wanted to keep my web site simple like my logo and the template was Flash with a lot of moving objects and sounds. I think my site is coming along great. I haven’t really designed a web site for years so my HTML coding is really rusty. Also I had to learn Adobe Flash for my navigation bar which I’m not experience in at all. But my ability to learn things quickly has paid off again!

February 27, 2008

Patience, what is that?

Ok so I couldn't wait till April. I will be receiving my Canon 40D tomorrow, which is a fairly new camera. Actually I bought a used 30D from EBay but decided to upgrade to the 40D anyway, I've just read some good things about the 40D that I would like to have. I will be selling the 30D back on EBay soon.

I have been very surprised how my wife has been handling this process of purchasing new equipment. I have been receiving packages after packages. I was able to test my new lenses and it is very exciting holding glass that is built well and has some weight to it.

February 5, 2008

Coming Together

There are numerous things going on right now with my photography business. I am currently waiting for my business cards to arrive. I went with a very simple look and I am please with the design. I've also been working on my web site. Currently I am in the design process, but I do have a domain name and web space. I'm getting close to ordering new equipment, I just don't know if I can be patient and wait till around April to get a brand new camera from Canon's line. It won't be long before my business is ready to open.

December 5, 2007

The Beginning

Welcome to my first blog! I am not sure where this will go, but I thought it was time to catch up with the new fads. Currently I am working on finishing up my photography class at CPCC at the same time getting ready to purchase new photography equipment next year. This is a will be a big leap into the photography business for me. I am excited but also nervous at the same time.